
The Telecom Broker offers communications solutions focused on reducing cost, increasing data security and productivity while gaining competitive advantage. We specialize in providers that don’t advertise publicly and buy high volume wholesale services from the major providers.

As your Certified Network Consultant, I provide independent, unbiased proposals that cannot be obtained directly from provider representatives, at no additional cost to you the customer.

Mission Statement - What We Do

We sit at the head of a table filled with virtual experts from numerous technical Telecom and IT fields.
Trust your business to proven, dependable solutions from an experienced, vendor agnostic technology specialist that always delivers.

We help business customers understand what’s needed using a clear and distinct process, guided by a certified telecommunications service provider expert. Our goal is delivering maximum business benefit, at the lowest cost, with less hassle.

We specialize in outbound call center solutions, office phone systems for business and managed security service so you will be assigned your own designated certified technology advisor.

Why Use Us - How We Are Different

Many of our vendors don’t advertise publicly and deliver superior service options at tactically reduced price points. We deliver vendor agnostic proposals that are not available from major telecommunications service providers. Our services cost you the customer nothing, as we are indirect channel and paid by the provider.

Don’t know what you don’t know? We know. When it comes to business telecom we have over 25 years industry experience. You can trust us with your mission critical business communications and secure data transport needs.

Leadership Management

Trained by BellSouth Business Systems in Orlando Florida, Curtis was promoted numerous times during his tenure and was trained at “BellSouth University”. As an e-Business internet and RBOC data networking specialist, Curtis has earned various Cisco and Comp TIA networking certifications over the years.

Possessing a unique blend of insurance industry risk management and telecom LAN/WAN networking experience, Curt brings a customer centric mindset to assist businesses in implementing the right technology, at the right time, at the right price. As The Telecom Broker, Curt sits at the head of a virtual table of dozens of industry experts in numerous disciplines, providing for a high touch, needs-based sales process resulting in vendor agnostic recommendations that are not available from direct sales provider personnel.

Building clouds and providing bullet proof, mission critical communications platforms since 1999, Curt can be reached at or call 877-566-5600 to talk with him personally.

Founder & CEO

Curtis Burnside


Educated at two of the country’s top Preparatory schools in the northeast U.S. Curtis attended the liberal arts program at Hawaii Loa College in Kailua Hawaii. His B2B career started in the family’s insurance business in Coral Gables Florida in the early 1980s. As the agency manager and later Regional Manager of the insurance operation, Curtis held and taught numerous insurance industry certifications and state licensing classes over the years.

Having developed and managed several scratch agency operations, Curtis won numerous Presidential, Regional and District awards for sales production, risk management and agency profitability as well as customer satisfaction.

It is this unique blend of insurance risk management and telecom experience that allows Curt to bring a customer centric mindset, assisting businesses by implementing the right technology, at the right time, at the right price.